Thursday 21 March 2013


My kowhaiwhai has Mum, Dad, my brother, my dog and me. My dad is a hammerhead shark, the Maori mangopare which means strength, courage and power. My dad's colour was dark blue which represents knowledge, power, integrity and seriousness. My dad is strong and can be serious when he wants to be.

My Mum is a koiri which means self-reflection and nurturing. My mum's colour is bluewhich means trust, loyalty, wisdaom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. You can tell my mum anything even if she doesn't agree you can still tell her and she tells you teh right thing to do.

My brother is a koru which means unfolding life. I picked teh koru for my brother because he is teh youngest in teh family. His colour is light blue which means softness. I picked light blue because my brother is very soft and sensitive.

My dog is a puhoro which represents swiftness and agility. She is always running around. Her colour is yellow-greeen which means jealousy. She is always jealous of something.

I am a puhoro which represents swiftness and agility. agility means flexible and trust me. I'm flexible. My colour was yellow which means sunshine, joy, happiness and energy and I am all of those things.


  1. Hi Jorja.I like your picture.What did you make it with?I like your colours.How long did it take you?Good work:)from Georgia.
